Oh oh oh and the tea is havana collaboration is the very first time that l’oréal paris has done a Retro Ain’t No Laws When Your Drinking Claws shirt collaboration with a spokeswoman on july 15th it’s available exclusively on ulta com and then in august it’ll be available everywhere i’m making everybody in my family go to the store and get theirs even if they don’t wear makeup so maybe we’ll see you there lol eeeeek i’m so excited havanacollection. Son increíbles cómo se les ocurrió hacerme esta sorpresa miles de globos y lucecitas amarillas hechas con papel celofán shak. Hoy todos jugamos en el mismo equipo hoy todos vamos de rosa mucha fuerza campeonas contigodamoslacara díacontraelcancerdemama Official Laws, Claws Retro Ain’t No Laws When Your Drinking Claws shirt
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Je suis attristée d apprendre le décès de hubert de givenchy il était un véritable artiste une légende du monde de la mode et la définition même du chic j offre toutes mes sympathies à sa famille et ses amis mes pensées vous accompagnent i’m deeply saddened to hear of the passing of hubert de givenchy he was a Retro Ain’t No Laws When Your Drinking Claws shirt true artist a legend in the fashion world who showed us the meaning of chic my prayers and condolences go out to his family and friends céline xx. Schön dass du wieder in münchen bist bastian schweinsteiger ich freu mich auf das morgige spiel in der allianz arena. ‘boys play rock and roll ‘ experience the e stage on the u2eitour ‘swinging to the music ‘ u2 u2songsofexperience vertigo paris
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